The Evidence: “I Love God” – Part 1
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The Evidence: “I Love God” – Part 1

Mark 12:29–31 NKJV Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

I know it’s impossible to try and love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The cross made it possible for us to love Him the way He deserves to be loved!

For it is only by His abundant grace that we can seek to love Him more each day!

We, as believers, need to understand what love for God is all about. Many do not understand what it is to love Him, to know Him. I would like you to pause and think: what evidence do you have that proves or displays “I LOVE GOD”?

Many people think that love is only an emotion, and yes, they are right, but love has both motion and actions. Love is not just what you feel; it is our will and action colliding to show internal love. You don’t just have a feeling for your spouse, children, brother, sister, or family in Christ. But you do something for them, you give your heart and hands to them. You serve them to show how much you love them. You go the extra mile even if they don’t deserve it. “LOVE IS AN ACTION.”

Human love for God is often characterized by:

  • Deep devotion,
  • Faith,
  • And a desire for spiritual connection.

What are the actions of the lovers of God? If I love God, what will I do? This love will manifest through acts of worship, prayer, and a commitment to moral and ethical values. This love is often described as selfless and seeks a meaningful and personal relationship with God. It’s a desire in you to act and be like God!

I would like to leave two powerful characteristics of a person who loves God.


King David seemed to possess all the signs that prove a person loves God. The Word of God teaches us how David loved the Word and meditated on it all day.

Psalms 119:97 NKJV - "Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all day."

This portion of scripture makes it very clear to us: IF WE LOVE GOD, WE WILL LOVE HIS WORD, AND HIS WORD WILL BE OUR MEDITATION ALL DAY!

David was a king, and kings are known to carry burdens, yet God’s Word was his meditation.

Psalms 29:3-4 TPT - "The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory-God reigns as He thunders in the clouds. So powerful is His voice, so brilliant and bright—how majestic as He thunders over the great waters!"

Have you ever been in love with someone? I can remember how my husband phoned me 20 times a day, sending me faxes (lol, which most of you don’t know what that is). Why? Because we wanted to hear each other's voices. We married nearly 29 years this year, and I can show you on my phone how we love to speak to each other. Now imagine how God longs for you to love His Word and hear His voice?

Exodus 20:6 NLT - "But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands."

Every distance from the Word of God shows a bankruptcy of love for God in your life!

Job 23:12 NKJV - "I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."


When we say we love God, we love His presence. You love His company; you love to spend time with Him.

Psalms 42:1-2 TPT - "I long to drink of you, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God."

I don’t know about you, but I want to spend time with Him, get to know His heart, feel His presence, hear His voice, and have communion with Him. To know Him intimately.

Psalms 63:1-2 TPT - "O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God! I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory."

I believe if you don’t love the presence of God, you don’t love the company of God.

I would like to encourage you to make more time to spend with God and ask your best friend, the Holy Spirit, to teach you how to love Him more each day.

Become a powerhouse for God; be His hands and heart on the earth so you can be a mighty instrument in the hands of your Savior. Serve and love God’s people, for that is the true evidence that you love Him.

Forgive quickly

Love deeply

Ps.Lil ❤

