A Fountain of Hope in the Wilderness

“The desert summons a thirst that cannot be quenched by anything, but GOD.”

“I supply streams of water in the desert and rivers in the wilderness to satisfy the thirst of My people, My chosen ones, so that you, whom I have shaped and formed for Myself, will proclaim My praise.” Isaiah 43:20-21 (TPT)

Do you find yourself in a difficult situation where your world looks dark and don’t know which way to turn? Maybe your wilderness is dry and you feel there is absolutely no hope.

When wilderness seasons come and when everything feels like a struggle and nothing seems to be going your way, there is still good news. It is here in these dark seasons where God’s love shines the brightest. Hope shows up! There will never be another moment where you discover Him the way you will right now. In the midst of this uncomfortable wilderness, God is all you need.

You are going to come out of this with a shout of praise from your lips. Because God has shaped and formed you for Himself, you can praise Him in the storm.

God is not going to abandon you when you need him most. He has promised to make any wilderness a place of flowing waters, a place of refreshment and satisfaction. This unlikely place can become a birthing place for glorious encounters of His love.

You may be thinking right now “I am surrounded with a hopeless and very disappointing situation”.  Say; “BUT GOD” …. God wants to give you a fresh vision. If you can see it you can have it!

The greatest fundamental to breakthrough is not focusing on the difficulty but on the One who is with you in the midst of your situation. God is not moved by your need but by your Faith in Him.  (Mark 11:22 NLT)

Remind yourself what He has promised you, streams of living water that will satisfy you. Slam the door on impatience and frustration and drink from the fountain of hope. 

“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13 TPT

One of the greatest keys I can encourage you with is to stop listening to the enemy’s lies and exchange it for God’s Word. Speak it until you have a revelation on it and believe it. God will come through for you! At this very moment start rejoicing and sing praise in advance…. claim your victory, in Jesus Name!

Prayer of Encouragement

Father, more than anything else, I yearn for the refreshing waters of Your presence. I disengage myself from unhealthy mindsets that say I’ll be stuck in this season forever. That’s a lie, and I refuse to accept it any longer. I am Your covenant partner, therefore I can stand before You to proclaim that this wilderness will have streams of living waters to drink from. A song of Your faithfulness and Deep love.  Turn Your heart to me, Lord, and show me Your grace today. I believe in my heart that You are about to shift this hopeless situation into an overcoming situation.  By faith, I rejoice in You and know that no matter what, You are good!

Forgive quickly

Love deeply

Ps.Lil ❤

