You are marked by God’s hand to Arise in Splendor!

“How will you respond when you are fully, dangerously awake?  What history will you make?  Will you, like the fierce lioness, awaken from a tranquilized state and rise up to defend your family, your community, your world? Are you awake?  Even now, what is stirring in your heart?” – Lisa Bevere.  

Everything God does is full of splendor and beauty. Each miracle demonstrates His eternal perfection. I would like you to open up your heart of understanding to receive the ways of His wisdom so that you can meditate deeply on His glorious splendor and His wonders. “You are marked by God’s mighty hand to rise up in splendor”.

Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully!  Darkness blankets the earth, and thick gloom covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you, and the brightness of His glory appears over you! Nations will be attached to your radiant light and kings to the sunrise glory of your new day. Isaiah 60:1-3(TPT)

Make a quality decision to be taught by His truth and walk in the splendorous light of all that He’s about to teach you.

His promises glow with fire! Just pause for a moment and say, "I RECEIVE THE GLOW OF HIS FIRE; I WILL ARISE IN SPLENDOR!"

God instilled within you, before you were even born, the qualities you would need for this present age. That doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear at times, but it means you choose to stand in the boldness Christ has given you. You are called to be a woman of great influence.

Characteristic of a Woman of Influence, rising up in Splendor:

·      She speaks with wisdom, and those who listen to her counsel are blessed.

·      She has authority and influence in her home and in the marketplace.

·      She’s a woman who carries love with radiance, everywhere she goes she leaves a mark of hope.

·      She’s a woman who walks in the power of God.

·      She’s a woman who operate by faith just like Sarah, Abraham’s wife (Hebrews 11:11)

·      She’s a woman of prayer, she knows how to decree and how to command things to come to fulfillment in her life.

·      She obeys God’s Word

·      Her vision is focused on the Lord.

·      She’s a worshipper.

·      She’s a sower.

Woman were never created by God to be weak but to be strong to stand out with radiant splendor!

I would like to share with you some examples from the Bible of woman who only had the spirit of God upon them. They rose up in splendor and were radiant. You and I have the spirit of God WITHIN and UPON us. We are filled with the Spirit of God. The Word even teaches us to guard this incomparable treasure that is living within us.

2 Timothy 1:14 AMPC“- Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in us.”2 Timothy 1:14 AMPC

Just imagine how you and I can be radiant because of His Holiness living within us.

1. Rebekah - A woman of Power, Authority, and Influence

Rebekah was called a mother of many millions. In other words, she would be a mother of billions of descendants.

“They gave her this blessing as she parted: “Our sister, may you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies.”Genesis 24:60 NLT 

When you read the story of Rebekah, you will see how she didn’t hesitate to answer her family, when she was asked if she would go with a stranger a man she didn’t even know. Genesis 24:58 “Will you go with this man” And she said, I WILL GO

She was a woman of great power and authority. The glory of God’s splendor was shining on her.  She understood her assignment and could confidently say; “YES.”

2. Deborah – A mother both naturally and spiritually

Deborah was a mother of Israel.

Judges 5:7 NKJV. “Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, Until I, Deborah, arose, Arose a mother in Israel.

Mothers birth, nurture, care for and protect, with these dynamic principles of motherhood, Deborah prophetically judge an entire nation.

In this end time God is raising up strong woman who understand that they are anointed by God as mothers to raise up sons and daughters in His kingdom to fulfill their purpose on earth.

We need to disciple the next generation of woman. Teaching them to love who they are. Teaching them how to be true worshippers. Teaching them how to be obedient to the voice of God. 

When you begin to reproduce, nurture, care and protect, the kingdom of God is advanced, and many sons and daughters will be raised like Deborah to influence the kingdom, for the Glory of God.

3. Shunamite – A woman of Discernment and great wealth.

Elisha met a prominent, influential, and wealthy noble woman. She was radiant with wealth and a spirit of discernment. She recognizes that the man who walks in her home is a holy man of God. That is what a woman of splendor does, she can discern who God has anointed with His holiness.

2 Kings 4:8-9 NLT

“One day Elisha went to the town of Shunem. A wealthy woman lived there, and she urged him to come to her home for a meal. After that, whenever he passed that way, he would stop there for something to eat. She said to her husband, “I am sure this man who stops in from time to time is a holy man of God.

When you rise up in splendor for His glory, the kingdom of God will manifest through you. You are that woman God wants to use in the end time. Dear precious woman of God, I know it takes strength to be holy and to be a woman of Splendor. It’s time for you to take your place to radiate God’s supernatural Love, His power, His glory, right now.


Lord, I pray that every person reading this blog, will receive the power to arise and to be radiant for Your glory. May they operate in a new dimension of your power, the power of love, discernment, authority and influence. May Your radiant light rise upon them with the brightness of Your glory. In Jesus name

Say; “I believe it, I confess it, I declare it!!

  I will Arise in Splendor.”

Forgive quickly

Love deeply

Ps.Lil ❤

