A Thankful Heart

“The unthankful heart discovered no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”    

-Henry Ward Beecher-

I believe that the words “thank you” contain power that can change a person’s life. Thanksgiving breaks the power of the enemy. Whenever you give thanks to God, despite the most difficult circumstances you face, the enemy loses a big battle in your life. When you give thanks in your difficult times, you bring pleasure to God’s heart and breakthrough begins.

Do you lack joy and freedom in your life? …Here is the best medicine for your heart, BE THANKFUL! Being thankful make you a better person, and it’s the quickest pathway to joy.

Colossians 2:7 teaches us that we will have an overflow with thanksgiving when our roots grow down into our Savior.  Thankfulness is God’s will for His people. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

 This quality is important to God! Our gratitude belongs to God first, because without Him we would have nothing. You can be assured that when you are thankful in every season, the Lord takes pleasure to find you in His will. I think one of the best benefits we can ever imagine to receive is the Favor of the Father that comes through a thankful heart.

When we actively practice gratefulness, we become more of who God created us to be!

A grateful heart will give you direct access to connect with God.

Unlike talent, gratitude is something that’s freely available to all of us and completely within our control. It’s not a special ‘gifting’ that some people have, and others don’t.  It’s not a feeling that floats through the air, but it’s a choice.

 Every day, we get to choose to be thankful and through our thankfulness we will experience the blessings of an open heaven over our life.   

Thankfulness is part of the indescribable communion between God and His children. If you are looking for a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, start by GIVING THANKS to the Lord and observe what a fruitful time of fellowship it will lead to with Him.

Philippians 4:6 – “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”

I want to encourage you as you spend time with your family and friends this festive season, give thanks for who He is in your live, and all that He has done in your life through the year.  

David says it so profoundly in the book of Psalm chapter 107 and verse 8 – “Let them praise the Lord for His great love and for the wonderful things He has done for them.”

  • Thank Him for every encounter and breakthrough He has given you; Every time He has revealed Himself to you.

  • Thank Him for the intimate relationship you can have with Him through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Thank Him for His unconditional love He has for you according to Psalm 107:1

  • Thank Him for the protection over your family.

 What a privilege it is to get to know Him intimately and realize that He care about us and every aspect of our lives. We can never thank Him too much or too often.

Below are some reasons why I think it’s so important to be thankful:

1.  Be thankful for your life

Thankfulness is a key to your life. This is the key that turns your situation around because it changes you, your outlook and your attitude.

·      Are you thankful for life on earth?

·      Are you thankful for your present circumstances?

·      Are you thankful for your salvation?

·      Are you thankful the way God made you?

I praise God for His astonishing gift, which is far too great for words. The extraordinary grace upon my life which only God could bless me with.

Take a moment and reflect on this year concerning your life and how God has brought you through some impossible situations. Thank God for the opportunity to be His ambassador on earth, living a purposeful life.

Think about the little things in life, like your morning cup of coffee or your pillow when you lay down to go to sleep at night, maybe a plate of food you were blessed with when you had no food on the table.

We can think of countless things to be thankful for.

2. Tell someone you appreciate them

Life gets so busy that we sometimes forget to tell people how much they mean to us or just give a “thank you” for what they have done for us. Expressing your thanks to others will cultivate an atmosphere of thankfulness that will be evident upon your life.

3.  Your family and friends

I believe one of the greatest gifts God has given us on the earth is to enjoy family. During the festive season, family plays a vital role. Family creates the most beautiful memories.

As you open your home to family this festive season, focus more on spending quality time with them and less time on trying to make everything picture-perfect.  

A simple prayer of “Thank You Lord”

Heavenly Father, Thank You for being everything to me, and caring so deeply for me. Thank you that I can talk to You about everything. I know at times life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for, but still You are so faithful to me. Open my eyes to see the gifts You’ve given me in my life, the seen and the unseen. Holy Spirit teach me how to present you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily experiences of life. Teach me how to be always joyful, to pray continually and to give thanks in all my circumstances. I accept them as Your will for my life (1Thessalonians 5:16-18), in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

During this festive season, cultivate a thankful heart! It will take you places in the Lord that you have never been before. 

Forgive quickly

Love deeply

Ps.Lil ❤

