Eat the Word of God and be Satisfied
Jeremiah 15:16(Amp)”Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words become a joy to me and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O Lord of hosts.
Some people think they are too busy to spend time in prayer and Bible study, but whatever your age or season of life you’re in, I encourage you to make time with God and make Him your very first priority. Prayer is simply talking with God, pouring out our hearts to Him, letting Him know that we need Him and can’t do what is ahead of us without Him. Bible study is reading and studying God’s Word, which has the power to feed us and make us strong. Your life will be drastically changed.
Never approach prayer or studying God’s Word as an obligation, to be fulfilled; but approach it as a privilege to be enjoyed. The Word of God is medicine or even like vitamins for our souls, and when we are sick we need to take our medicine regularly, just as a person who needs physical healing should do. God’s medicine—His Word—has unlimited refills, and it’s side effects are life, healing, strength, joy, financial blessings and restoration.
I have to admit its my favorite time of the day, spending time with my best friend, Jesus. He speaks to me in so many different ways like no one else can, not even my husband whom I love dearly. Now, Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t need to listen to the same sermon I’ve heard a 100 times before!”? I certainly have. But if the Holy Spirit leads me to focus on a specific topic, then I know the effort it takes will be worthwhile.
For example, if I need peace, I know several scriptures I can read that will calm me down. If I need healing, I know several verses to go to and find promises that God will heal me. If I need finances, I know many scriptures that will assure me that God will provide for my every need, knowing these scriptures only came through spending Time in God’s Word.
There are times that I truly do not understand why certain things happen to me or around me; but I’ve learned to only trust and believe what God’s written Word says. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
Intimacy with God will become a regular priority when you believe it’s absolutely critical for you to function. I will be very honest with you, there were times where I have been disconnected from my intimacy with God, and the result of it was my ideas for my marriage, my children, my church were just empty. But when I was fully surrendered to God, His Word and the work of Him in me, He worked through me in every aspect of my life. I needed Him! I needed His direction, His perspective, His unconditional Love in my life. I am absolutely lost without Him.
The more I study God’s Word, the more I fall in love with Him! My heart’s desire for you is that you will have an anointing just like Jeremiah, to eat Gods written Word and be satisfied with unspeakable joy. I don’t think there is any problem in this world, which God’s Word does not have an answer for. His Word encourages us, strengthens us, heals us, corrects us, enlightens us, and provides us with many other blessings.
I encourage you to never get tired of reading and studying the same truths and lessons over and over in Scripture, because they feed you each time you do. May your intimacy with God grow deeper and deeper, so that God can tell you great and hidden things that you have not known before. (Jeremiah 33:3)
In other words, increase your appetite for the Word of God. Ps.119:103-104 NIV “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path”.
My Prayer for you.
Father God, thank You so much for the life-giving power of Your Word for every person who hungers and thirst for more of You! As they read and study Your uncompromising Word, teach them what You want them to know and bring Your healing power, Your abundant blessings into their lives. But most of all, let them fall deeper in love with who You are and not just what you can do for them, in Jesus Name.
Forgive quickly
Love deeply
Ps.Lil ❤