Victorious Women

God wants you to live a life of great faith and victory. He knows everything about you as His girls. He knew that in August 2020 you will face a very difficult time of the year and He knew you would need to know how to be a strong, confident and powerful woman of God, and how to stand and fight a Good fight of Faith. 

We, as woman, are knitted together to never give of the strongest qualities we have! (Psalm 46:5 NIV “God is within her she shall not fail”). 

Now for you to walk in Victory, the Lord left us with a powerful manual “the Bible”, which is God's Word (His breath) to teach you about Him and to teach you how to overcome and walk in victory in times of trouble. 

Now when you Read God's Word, Memorize God's Word, Obey God's Word, and Share God's Word then you will be equipped to walk in VICTORY. You will be living under the authority of God and not in your own authority.

The Holy Spirit is the best personal trainer we will ever have; training us how to be an Overcomer! To find Joy in the midst of circumstances that previously would have defeated you (e.g. COVID-19). Your power is based on the solid rock, Jesus Christ. 

John 16:33 says “I have overcome the world; I have already won the ultimate Victory!  Nonetheless, as I taught, you will have trouble in this world.” 

When you are in the midst of challenging circumstances, it is crucial to keep trusting God. Believe what He says about you...“I love you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

The troubles and the enemy you face can never triumph over you because God is on your side.  

I want you to claim your Victory through the Word of God and keep standing.        1 Corinthians 15:57 - “But thanks be to God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”  Let’s declare VICTORY together. 

  • I am a victor and not a victim 

  • Jesus Christ already won the victory

  • I will pray for victory in my life

I’m praying that our Heavenly Father will help you to understand how powerful you are as a woman of God. May He release His power and glory of upon your life.  I pray that you will have a daily infilling of the presence of God through His Word. 


Forgive quickly
Love deeply
Ps.Lil ❤

